KINO 43 | When the War Comes

cz, Prague

At first glance Peter lives the life of a typical European teenager – he lives with his parents, has a pretty girlfriend, he got into college. However, his real life is elsewhere – as the head of a paramilitary called “Slovenskí branci” that recruits hundreds of Slovak teenagers with the silent approval of the authorities. The group’s goal is simple - to prepare for a war time and create a model totalitarian-like community based on military drill, obedience and fear. Peter dreams that one day he will be able to convince the entire society - as a great politician.

Film screening will be followed by discussion with director.

The capacity of the hall is very limited. If you are seriously interested in coming, we recommend buying a place reservation. With every reservation, there is a popcorn for you. How to do it?

► online - btc / ltc :

► we understand that not everyone interested in the projection has the ability to pay in cryptocurrency online. You can also buy registration in Bitcoin Coffee.

WTFPL – Do What the Fuck You Want to Public License
Last update: 12/9/2024, 2:35:50 AM