Bitcoin meetup | A full stack of Bitcoin privacy weapons

cz, Prague

A socratic seminar to discuss a holistic strategy to break the OODA loop by utilizing Bitcoin Core, Wasabi Wallet, Join Market, BTCPay Server, ColdCard, Taproot and the Lightning Network. Socratic Seminar fosters cooperative yet argumentative dialogue with participants asking one another questions and challenging each other on their answers.

Max Hillebrand is a free software entrepreneur contributing to several Bitcoin projects. He bases his understanding of the importance of property rights on the Austrian school of economics, and builds tools to defend ones liberty with crypto-anarchist strategies of strong encryption. He is sharing this knowledge on videos and podcasts, as well as written technical documentation. PGP: E900 5F66 A86B B816 BD7D 967E BEDC D95C 42AC 3C57

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Last update: 12/9/2024, 2:35:50 AM