BTC MeetUp | Ordinals Theory - Inscribing Artifacts (NFT's) on Bitcoin

cz, Prague

This meetup will be an exciting opportunity to learn more about the use of ordinals on Bitcoin. If you are new to the topic no worries! Meetup will be designed also for beginners.

We will explore topics such as:

– What are Ordinals, and why are they important in Bitcoin? – Ordinal History – Ordinal Theory/Technicals/Ordinal Loops – How do ordinals work? – What is the impact of ordinals on Bitcoin transactions? – What are the security considerations when using ordinals? – Examples and Application: A closer look at some of the practical applications of ordinals on Bitcoin – Ordinal Loops – Workshop with Lightrider — Mint Ordinal Loops in Paralelní Polis triangle as a bit artifact POAP /// AOA – Artifact of Attendance!!


To is a founder of Ordinal Loops project and chair of an NGO focused on education and art created in 2021. As a long-time Bitcoiner and product builder, he is trying to bridge novel solutions with the existing ecosystems. Artifact inscriptions might be just one of those novelties.

Lightrider is a Lightning focused Web-Developer. He is the founder of and has now built an easy-to-use Inscription service called He believes that Ordinals are an exciting new technology with many to come use cases for the Bitcoin ecosystem.

If interested, sign up!

WTFPL – Do What the Fuck You Want to Public License
Last update: 12/9/2024, 2:35:50 AM