Assassination Politics

In 1995, I thought of an idea, which I wrote into an essay called "Assassination Politics", which I asserted (and genuinely believe and believed, then and now) would eliminate the need and even the possibility of war, armies, and oppressive governments. I put it out there for everyone to consider and debate.

Everyone had the ability to find the flaws if any were present. Yet, subsequent years went by, and the world continued to have war and trillions of dollars spent on militaries. Governments continued to oppress. And the public did, essentially, nothing.

We are all subject to that abuse, today. There is an old joke about a religious man who is caught in his house in a flood. As the water rises higher, he is visited by two rescue boats. Each time they offer to rescue him; he responds by saying, "Go away. The Lord will save me!" Eventually, the water continued to rise, he's on the chimney, water all around, and a rescue helicopter appears, offering assistance. He says, "Go away. The Lord will save me!".

The helicopter leaves. The water rose, higher, the man drowns. In Heaven, he asks St. Peter, "Why did God not rescue me"? St. Peter answered, "He sent two boats and a helicopter; what more did you want?" Well, I, Jim Bell, sent the world my Assassination Politics essay. What more do YOU want?!?

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Last update: 1/26/2025, 5:31:05 AM