Florian Glatz

Florian Glatz

Florian is a lawyer, author, advocate; builder, coder, and eternal optimist. He is currently working on Common Ground, a new attempt at creating crypto’s missing app layer, and the European Crypto Initiative—a think tank for improved crypto regulation in the EU.



HCPP24: Hardcore (3d)



What are we even doing here?

What are we even doing here?

Crypto was built on a web of trust by like-minded nerds. Today, we don't recognize the field anymore: it's been coopted by lizard-brains and their zero-sum money games. Those not coopted by toxic memes still remember why we started out together. Our mission is not yet fulfilled, the promised land has not yet been reached, all in spite of the positive propaganda eminating from the new "fintech elit.. (2024-11-12)
WTFPL – Do What the Fuck You Want to Public License
Last update: 12/9/2024, 2:35:50 AM