Ido Kaiser

Ido Kaiser

Cypherpunk, security researcher and open source developer - Particl
An academic student in Business Engineering with a passion for security, privacy and cryptocurrencies. The past two years he has dedicated his spare time to aiding privacy projects, and researching/developing decentralized marketplaces. (hcpp17)



HCPP17: Liberate! (3d)



Particl: A Private And Decentralized Marketplace

Particl: A Private And Decentralized Marketplace

A technical presentation on how we plan to build a decentralized marketplace with a focus on privacy. Particl is a platform that features an anonymous cryptocurrency (CT, RingCT) and a BitMessage-style messaging system. We are in the process of designing a protocol (Open Market Protocol) for interactions between sellers and buyers. (2018-03-18)
WTFPL – Do What the Fuck You Want to Public License
Last update: 12/9/2024, 2:35:50 AM