Inbar Preiss

Inbar Preiss

Writer, journalist, SalamTalk co-founder
A digital nomad and accomplished journalist in the field of blockchain and cryptocurrencies. Working on a decentralized journalism platform which aims to to expose political conflicts from within, facilitate dialogue and enable free speech, following the belief that decentralization has the ability to transform societies and empower individuals.



HCPP19: Opt-Out (3d)



The Revolution Of Decentralised Journalism And Its Role In Conflict Zones

The Revolution Of Decentralised Journalism And Its Role In Conflict Zones

The media landscape is transforming as decentralized, peer-to-peer networks are emerging. In conflict zones, this can be a missing piece to expose what is really going on, and facilitate dialogue. What is the role of centralized media in conflict? How do can we deal with censorship and manipulation of information? Does objectivity exist?How do we prevent digital colonialism? How do we have a conve.. (2019-10-16)
WTFPL – Do What the Fuck You Want to Public License
Last update: 12/9/2024, 2:35:50 AM