Jiří Horáček

Jiří Horáček

Deputy director for RαD, National Institute of Mental Health & Professor of Psychiatry, Third Faculty of Medicine, Charles University in Prague
Jiří Horáček, M.D., Ph.D. is a Professor of Psychiatry at the 3rd Faculty of Medicine, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic. He holds a degree in psychiatry and psychotherapy. He is currently the Deputy Director of the National Institute of Mental Health, Czech Rep. Prof. Jiří Horáček has been actively involved in 50 scientific research projects. His research activities involve the use of brain imaging (PET, fMRI and qEEG) in the fields of schizophrenia, depression and OCD, psychiatric genetics, psychedelic science and the modeling of mental disorders in both rodents and humans. He is the editor of several books and the author of more than 100 scientific articles. Prof. Jiří Horáček has received several national and international psychiatric awards from the International Pharmaco-EEG Society (Werner Hermann Memorial Award), the Czech Neuropsychopharmacological Society and ECNS-ISNIP. In his productive career he has been awarded the Senior Research Fellow of the Bedfordshire CMHR in association with the University of Cambridge. He was also the President of the Czech Neuropsychopharmacological Society.



HCPP19: Opt-Out (3d)



Things Which Matter The Most: Reality, Brain And Consciousness

Things Which Matter The Most: Reality, Brain And Consciousness

Linking physical reality, brain activity and consciousness still stands as one of the most interesting and elusive problems of neuroscience, psychology, psychiatry and philosophy. Finding their mutual relationships represents the first step toward explanation how the brain process external information and how the picture of reality in our mind relates the world. (2019-10-16)
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Last update: 1/26/2025, 5:31:05 AM