Kilian Rausch

Kilian Rausch

Product Anarchist
Kilian plays product at Exchange Union, the project bootstrapping OpenDEX, a protocol for unstoppable P2P trading. OpenDEX is built on the Lightning & Raiden Network and brings individuals and exchanges onto the same network to trade instantly and trustlessly. Previously, he was the PO of Mobi at BTCC, the world’s first true global & mobile wallet for everyday people. (hcpp19)



HCPP19: Opt-Out (3d)



Opendex - A Protocol For Unstoppable P2p Trading

Opendex - A Protocol For Unstoppable P2p Trading

The talk covers architecture design choices, the different layers involved, the p2p messaging layer and discusses scalability. The second part demos a trade of an implementation implementing the OpenDEX protocol, an atomic swap between Bitcoin and DAI, a USD stablecoin via the Lightning and Raiden Network. The last part discusses the transition to a community-driven, open & token free protocol and.. (2019-10-16)
WTFPL – Do What the Fuck You Want to Public License
Last update: 12/9/2024, 2:35:50 AM