Markéta Dolejšová

Markéta Dolejšová

Design Researcher
Markéta is a design researcher with a background in Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) and Food Studies. Her research combines the methods and techniques of Research through Design (RtD) with ethnography to investigate the growing role of digital and bio-technologies in everyday human-food practices. She is currently a postdoctoral research fellow at the Faculty of Social and Economic Studies, Jan Evangelista Purkyně University, and a research fellow in New Media Studies at the Charles University (CZ). She has co-founded several independent design research collectives including the HotKarot & OpenSauce, Fermentation GutHub, Extreme Biopolitical Bistro, and ALTTAB. In 2018, she received a PhD in Interactive Media Design at the National University of Singapore for her doctoral project Edible Speculations: Designing for Human-Food Interaction. Her work is regularly published in HCI and design research journals and conference proceedings. (hcpp19)



HCPP19: Opt-Out (3d)



Paradoxes Of Personalised Nutrition & Diet Hacking

Paradoxes Of Personalised Nutrition & Diet Hacking

Roman poet and philosopher Lucretius said in the 1st century BC that what is food to one, may be bitter poison to others. In 2019, hyperconnected, health-focused consumers return to this premise and claim the obsolescence of one-size-fits-all dietary guidelines in favour of personalised nutrition (PN) approaches. Drawing on the recent advances in self-quantification technologies, affordable machin.. (2019-10-16)
WTFPL – Do What the Fuck You Want to Public License
Last update: 12/9/2024, 2:35:50 AM