Michal Postránecký

Michal Postránecký

Autonomous Architect and Urbanist
Ing. arch. Michal Postránecký is a Czech architect and urbanist currently living in Florida, USA. His portfolio counts many projects in the Czech Republic and the USA, where he has lived and worked since 2000. He focuses on eco-friendly and smart projects, the regeneration of existing settlements and the design of new urban structures with the help of smart technologies. He is the founder and head of Center of City of the Future Center within, Czech Institute of Informatics, Robotics and Cyberentics CTU and he is also a founder of SynopCity.com, a global platform for sharing information, knowledge. and experience, focusing on the Smart and Innovative Cities concepts. He is the author of a number of scholarly articles on smart cities and related issues. Together with Professor Svítek and a team of their colleagues, he is the author of the book The City of Future. (hcpp19)



HCPP19: Opt-Out (3d)



Opt-out Opportunities For Small Towns

Opt-out Opportunities For Small Towns

Ing. arch. Michal Postránecký is a Czech architect and urbanist currently living in Florida, USA. His portfolio counts many projects in the Czech Republic and the USA, where he has lived and worked since 2000. He focuses on eco-friendly and smart projects, the regeneration of existing settlements and the design of new urban structures with the help of smart technologies. He is the founder and head.. (2019-10-16)
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Last update: 12/9/2024, 2:35:50 AM