Nick Middleton

Nick Middleton

Nick works, teaches and communicates on a wide variety of geographical issues for a broad range of audiences, from policy-makers to five-year-old children. He also teaches at Oxford University where he is a Fellow of St Anne’s College. His most recent book, An Atlas of Countries that Don’t Exist, has been translated into six languages. Read more at (hcpp19)



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An Atlas Of Countries That Don’t Exist

An Atlas Of Countries That Don’t Exist

Most of us think we know what a country is, but in truth the concept is notoriously slippery. This talk starts with the familiar political map of the world to show what the bold colours and clear boundaries conceal rather than reveal: a multitude of unrecognised and unnoticed states whose claims to legitimacy are deliberately made invisible. This is the shadowy, surprisingly large, and literally u.. (2019-10-16)
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Last update: 12/9/2024, 2:35:50 AM