Pavol Trávnik

Pavol Trávnik

IT developer, lawyer & entrepreneur
Pavol Travnik studied law both in Slovakia and Czechia. After graduation, Pavol has changed his professional interest into IT development in insurance and pharmacy companies. He described the definition of cryptocurrencies in Czech and Slovak civil law. His constant fascination by legal imperfection and anonymous cryptocurrencies lead him to explore and collect more examples of how to liberate himself and others by hacking the law. (hcpp18)




HCPP18: New Order (3d)



Hacking Law & Antifragility Of Anonymous Cryptocurrencies

Hacking Law & Antifragility Of Anonymous Cryptocurrencies

Many people perceive the current jurisprudence as a fair and impartial system, but the real practical cases prove the opposite. Tremendous side effects, such as full arbitrariness and uncertainty of government law, cause that the whole system continues to operate empowered by the myth of the rule of law. The decisions of the judges are thoroughly unpredictable these days. Even though it can be har.. (2018-10-06)
WTFPL – Do What the Fuck You Want to Public License
Last update: 12/9/2024, 2:35:50 AM