Ruben Somsen

Ruben Somsen

Ruben is working on a protocol design for enhancing Bitcoin. He is the author of protocol proposals like Softchains, Statechains, Spacechains, Succinct Atomic Swaps, and Trustless P2P Lending. As a long-term member of the Bitcoin community, he started Seoul Bitcoin Meetups, helps to maintain the bitcoin-dev mailing list, and co-hosts the Unhashed Podcast.




Spacechains: One-way pegged sidechains for Bitcoin

Spacechains: One-way pegged sidechains for Bitcoin

Spacechains are permissionless sidechains that are tied to the value of Bitcoin via a one-way peg. All of the value goes directly to existing Bitcoin holders (unlike altcoins), and all fees go to Bitcoin miners. Use cases are stablecoins, NFTs, federated pegs, low-value payments, DNS, and more. (2022-06-25)
WTFPL – Do What the Fuck You Want to Public License
Last update: 12/9/2024, 2:35:50 AM