Sonja Prstec

Sonja Prstec

Lawyer and CLO of Bitnation
I have been working as a lawyer for 12 years. I have been the official legal advisor and representative for project Liberland for the last 3 years and for the project Bitnation for 1 year. I'm interested in credible alternatives to existing governmental and nation structures, crypto community, blockchain and AI technology implementations. I want to focus on legal consultancy, support for startups regarding technology and cryptocurrency projects. I'm personally interested in defending individual freedom and humanitarian rights in general. (hcpp18)



HCPP18: New Order (3d)



Bitnation - Your World, Your Way - In A Box

Bitnation - Your World, Your Way - In A Box

In BITNATION's world sovereignty shifts decisively from the State to the Citizen. By reducing competition between citizens for services and increasing competition between Nations for citizens we will improve the quality of governance and reduce incentives for coercion and violence. We wish you to be able to create, opt-in or opt-out of the Nation of your choice on your mobile phone. You can choose.. (2018-10-06)
WTFPL – Do What the Fuck You Want to Public License
Last update: 12/9/2024, 2:35:50 AM