Ryan Lackey

Ryan Lackey

Ryan discovered the cypherpunks mailing list as a young teenager in the early 1990s, telephoned NSA to order the NCSC Rainbow Series of books, and became a true believer in cryptoanarchy and the power of cryptography to stand up to nation-states and other oppressors. He’s worked on projects and companies involving Chaumian digital cash systems, offshore data havens in the North Sea, seasteading, uncensorable hosting technologies, remote attestation-based tamperproof cloud computing, and now cryptocurrency insurance infrastructure. He is currently the Chief Security Officer of Evertas Insurance and lives in San Juan, Puerto Rico.



HCPP24: Hardcore (3d)


HCPP23: Resistance (3d)


HCPP22: Last Shot (3d)



Playing in Hardcore Mode: Where today's cypherpunk technology falls short

Playing in Hardcore Mode: Where today's cypherpunk technology falls short

Using technology is often difficult even without security or privacy considerations. Normal or even fairly robust security and privacy requirements make it even harder to effectively use technology. Yet, most of the time, the there are identified vulnerabilities even if those requirements are met -- these attacks are just considered to be uneconomic or beyond the resources or motivations of the at.. (2024-11-12)
End of Empire and Rise of the Parallel Society

End of Empire and Rise of the Parallel Society

We stand at the precipice and the end of the empire. From this will emerge political strains vying to define the next emergent era. (2024-07-08)
The road to freedom and privacy through security and user experience

The road to freedom and privacy through security and user experience

Cypherpunks and allies want a new world of finance and technology — individual freedom, non-violence, permissionless innovation, and human flourishing. Replacing current systems (governments built for the world of the past, complex IT systems built with layer of layer of unmaintainable patches and spaghetti, and the omnipresent fear that those more willing to initiate force against those less powe.. (2024-07-08)
Technologies For Liberty vs  Technologies For Oppression

Technologies For Liberty vs Technologies For Oppression

Technology itself is a tool, rather than being imbibed with some moral or ethical agency, but certain technologies at certain times swing the balance toward individual liberty rather than collective oppression. (2023-02-26)
How something as mundane as insurance can be a tool for societal good

How something as mundane as insurance can be a tool for societal good

Insurance is usually thought of as something boring, required by governments, and ideally purchased inexpensively, never actually used, and forgotten about. (2022-11-27)
WTFPL – Do What the Fuck You Want to Public License
Last update: 12/9/2024, 2:35:50 AM