Pavol Lupták

Pavol Lupták

Global Opportunist, Cryptoanarchist, Voluntaryist, and Perpetual Traveler focused on technology and society hacking. And, of course, the HCPP lover 🙂



HCPP24: Hardcore (3d)


HCPP23: Resistance (3d)


HCPP22: Last Shot (3d)


KSP22: Peníze 🇨🇿


KSP20: Totalita 🇨🇿


HCPP19: Opt-Out (3d)


HCPP18: New Order (3d)


HCPP17: Liberate! (3d)



Travel Hacking for Crypto Digital Nomads

Travel Hacking for Crypto Digital Nomads

The workshop is for EU citizens and aims to explain how it is possible to live a comfortable life as a digital crypto nomad, thanks to your favorite crypto, anywhere in the world, including Europe: (2024-11-12)
The power of decentralized cryptomarkets

The power of decentralized cryptomarkets

Short from the talk "Cypherpunks: Back then & Now" by Pavol Lupták (2024-07-19)
End of Empire and Rise of the Parallel Society

End of Empire and Rise of the Parallel Society

We stand at the precipice and the end of the empire. From this will emerge political strains vying to define the next emergent era. (2024-07-08)
Paralelní Polis Decade

Paralelní Polis Decade

Paralelní Polis represents a non-state, non-profit entity, birthed in 2014 amidst the creative activism of the Ztohoven collective. The annals of time have witnessed our continued stewardship of the esteemed Hackers Congress. As we now converge to bring its momentous tenth iteration to a reverent closure, we simultaneously embark on a meaningful commencement of the tenth chapter in the chronicles .. (2024-07-08)
Lunarpunk panel discussion @ HCPP22

Lunarpunk panel discussion @ HCPP22

Not everyone sees cryptocurrencies as a powerful liberalising tool that is unparalleled in our society. A tool that erodes the authoritarian paradigm of states and creates a new decentralised paradigm where the state no longer has a place. (2023-01-22)
Panel: Bitcoin and Cypherpunk vision

Panel: Bitcoin and Cypherpunk vision

Bitcoin emerged as a cypherpunk technology, and the community of cryptoanarchists formed naturally around it. Coming from these roots, Bitcoin became probably their most influential invention. But with years passing, after many waves of adoption and fluctuations in the community, the echo of cypherpunks in Bitcoin is becoming less important. With these ideals lost, where is Bitcoin heading today? .. (2022-08-13)
Panelová diskuse Konference Svobodného přístavu 2022: Peníze včera, dnes a zítra

Panelová diskuse Konference Svobodného přístavu 2022: Peníze včera, dnes a zítra

Konferenci Svobodného přístavu 2022: Peníze včera, dnes a zítra jsme zakončili panelovou diskusí, které se zúčastnili Palo Lupták, Mojmír Hampl, Urza a Pepa Tětek; role moderátorky se ujala Tereza Urzová. (2022-06-26)
Peniaze Latinskej Ameriky

Peniaze Latinskej Ameriky

Omlouváme se za kvalitu zvuku; dělali jsme, co se dalo, ale dvě přednášky jsme nezaznamenali tak kvalitně, jak jsme si přáli. (2022-06-18)
Panelová diskuse Konference Svobodného přístavu 2020: Totalita včera, dnes a zítra

Panelová diskuse Konference Svobodného přístavu 2020: Totalita včera, dnes a zítra

Konferenci Svobodného přístavu 2020: Totalita včera, dnes a zítra jsme zakončili panelovou diskusí, které se zúčastnil Richard Vokoun, Palo Lupták, Adam Růžička, Jan Zugar a Urza; ačkoliv se jedná o pět zastánců svobody, je zajímavé sledovat odlišnosti v jejich vnímání rizik hrozících naší společnosti a přístupu k řešešní existujících problémů. (2020-02-21)
Opt-out ze systému

Opt-out ze systému

Posledním speakerem „Konference Svobodného přístavu 2020: Totalita včera, dnes a zítra“ byl Palo Lupták se svou přednáškou „Opt-out ze systému: Jak dosáhnout ekonomické a osobní svobody využitím globality a flexibility“. (2020-02-21)
Opening Speech @ HCPP19

Opening Speech @ HCPP19

#hcpp19 #optout #paralelnipolis #instituteofcryptoanarchy (2019-10-16)
Crypto Liberation Story Of One Perpetual Traveler

Crypto Liberation Story Of One Perpetual Traveler

1. Choose the suitable country for your permanent residency. (2018-10-06)
Panel: Truly anonymous cryptocurrencies

Panel: Truly anonymous cryptocurrencies

The panel discussion with Monero, Zcash, HORIZEN people will raise both philosophical and technical questions related to truly anonymous cryptocurrencies. What impact will they have on our society? How can the governments cope with their massive use? (2018-10-06)
Anonymous Insurance And Predictions Markets

Anonymous Insurance And Predictions Markets

Every new government's regulation, restriction or embargo that makes impossible for people to trade, do business or increase their expenses, creates a demand for any market solution that helps to bypass these obstacles. The fact - how many entrepreneurs or ordinary citizens consider the given law to be unethical, willing to avoid with the least risk as possible, determines an economic feasibility .. (2018-01-06)
How Governments Push Forward The Security Of Cryptomarkets

How Governments Push Forward The Security Of Cryptomarkets

The first popular cryptomarket (Silk Road) was of course unique, but relatively simple - a single server with no decentralization, no multi-sig or anonymous cryptocurrency support. The goal of the presentation is to show that government financial dictatorship leads to significant improvement of cryptomarket security. Police and government agency raids were the main reason all cryptomarkets had to .. (2017-04-07)
WTFPL – Do What the Fuck You Want to Public License
Last update: 12/9/2024, 2:35:50 AM